Fantastic Mr.Fox is about a family of foxes who have a cousin come to live with them until his father recovers from a grave illness. Meanwhile, Mr.Fox, an ex-bird stealer, gets wound up in a sticky situation with some local farmers. Because of the cousin's superb physical skills, he gets drawn into the fight while the son constantly tries to live up to his father's legacy.
Fantastic Mr.Fox is a movie that is a great example for children of all ages. It shows that although taking risks can be exciting, they bring along with them consequences that can only be sorted through extraordinary measures, until eventually everything falls apart. This movie also shows the importance of family and friends through an exciting and humorous story. The animals, although act human, eat like savages as any person would expect an animal to do. The characters add to the joy and charm of this movie, which is definitely worth taking time to view. Overall this movie deserves a thumbs up.
Rated PG
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