The Invention of Lying. The title pretty much explains itself. A man, who has lost his job, is considered a loser, and was rejected by a beautiful woman, is desperate for some happiness. This man, played by Ricky Gervais, finally decides to get what he wants. But how can this be done in a world that not only won't lie, but can't? Something inside him clicks, and he says something that cannot be undone.
This movie highly based on the spoof of God and everything considering the subject. Referring to "The Man in the Sky" for advice and help is only one of things that makes this funny, because it makes it seem that anything in our lives, when looked through a different perspective, can seem utterly ridiculous.
When the world discovers the idea of "The Man in the Sky", they certainly have many questions about the rules. To explain these rules, the main character writes them down on two pizza boxes which highly resemble the Ten Commandments. The civilians worship this image, and have it painted all over their churches, which they call humorously, "A Quiet Place to Think About The Man in the Sky." I only spoiled this scene to the public because this had to be my favorite part of the entire film.
This movie, shockingly, actually had two morals. First of all, right from the start, it shows that a "perfect world" where nobody lies would create a whole lot of chaos. That not many people get along, and more and more people would be depressed. It shows that religion gives people hope, and that it actually makes people a little bit happier. Second of all, this film shows what some people actually think. That they don't want to date someone because their looks are not appealing. The characters in this film are hung up about their genetic match and how it would affect their children. These people are obviously shallow. But we can not deny that we have thought it, at least once. That you reject someone because they are "chubby with a snub nose". Well, with the truth flying about every which way and that, it will always come back at you.
I must say though, even though this movie did not get amazing reviews from all of the professionals, I found this film amusing, and enjoyable. I do not recommend this movie for young children, due to harsh language and small sexual content. But overall, I give it a thumbs up.
Rated PG-13-Megan